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Monday 1st February


Remember to read for at least 20 minutes at home today. We have also added a reading comprehension activity for you to complete all about pirates. Remember to pick a level of challenge that suits you. 



If you haven’t done so already, complete the narrative writing activity from Friday.

Now, we would like you to extend your narrative by continuing the conversation between the two characters. Think carefully about what they might say next to each other and add it to your writing using the rules of speech punctuation that we learned on Friday. Then finish off your writing with an action sentence that shows what the characters did next.  

When your writing is complete, send it in so we can give you feedback and post your work on the blog. 



For Monday and Tuesday we want you complete the following worksheets. You don’t have to do them all in one go.

Here are the links to the videos that you can watch to help:

-Divide by 2: Spr2.4.1 - Divide by 2 on Vimeo

-Divide by 5: Spr2.4.3 - Divide by 5 on Vimeo

-Divided by 10: Spr2.4.4 - Divide by 10 on Vimeo


Number Fluency-

You have done such a great job learning your 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Well done! Now we are going to start thinking about the 3 times table. First of all, we would like you to watch Mr M’s learning video:

Now practise your skip counting in multiples of 3. 


Let's Party!

Today is Mrs J's birthday and she would really like everyone in Beech Class to celebrate with her.

At school we are going to be making cupcakes and she would love you to do the same. Have a look at the recipe that we've attached to the blog. You might even have your own favourite cake recipe? 

She would love to see your birthday cupcakes so remember to send us in some photos.

Don't forget to share them with your family!

We are also going to go on a cosmic yoga adventure based on one of her favourite films, Star Wars. 

You can find join in by following this link

We hope you are all able enjoy Mrs J's birthday, even though we cant spend the day together.